Psychological Well-being Check (PWC)
A Psychological Well-being Check (PWC) can be an effective way to obtain a quick overview of your mental health and well-being. We often think about mental health in terms of ‘illness’, but we all have mental health and well-being. In other words, mental health and mental illness are separate and distinct concepts. Mental health is conceptualised as positive feelings and positive functioning. High mental health can be thought of as ‘flourishing’. Mental health and well-being are assets that can be cultivated and developed.
Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and it is important to have regular mental health checks just as you would go in for a physical health check. The PWC would assess current functioning and review aspects of life or risk factors that could be negatively impacting one’s well-being or counterproductive to one’s mental health and well-being.
Who would it benefit?
If you’re feeling that you are doing everything you can but not feeling fulfilled or feeling emotionally low, discontent with life circumstances, feeling a lack of connection or purpose in life, want to improve various dimensions of your psychological health and wellbeing, and have been considering talking to a counsellor or psychologist but unsure of how to take this forward, you may find the PWC a good starting point.