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Your Community Care Provider for Mental Health
Flourishing Minds Clinic is a safe space within the community for your mental health care and well-being. Bringing together evidence-based approaches with culturally sensitive care, our focus is on YOU as our client, and we aim to provide accessible mental health care.
Our multidisciplinary, culturally diverse team of mental health professionals are passionate about what we do. We provide individualised, high-quality care to help individuals, families, and organisations heal, grow, and flourish.
Together we create Flourishing Minds!

Our Services
We provide support for clients across age groups and life stages. Our practitioners are trained in a wide range of therapeutic tools & methodologies to facilitate the client’s flourishing.
Our Services
We provide community-based outpatient care for children and families, young adults, adults, and older adults. Additionally, we provide formal psychological evaluations, psychotherapy and counselling, psychiatric services, pre-marital and marital relationship counselling, art therapy, trauma-based therapy, and other psychological services serving the needs of communities, schools, universities, and organisations. We also provide Intensive Outpatient Programs for adolescents and adults.
Adoption Support
Educational Institutions
Hear from our clients

Frequently Asked Questions
When is the clinic set to open?
Psychiatry or Psychology?
Emergency contacts in Qatar?
Featured Articles

Depression in the Workplace: The Silent Battle (Part-1)
In the workplace, a silent battle rages for employees grappling with depression. Hidden behind competence lies internal turmoil. Breaking the silence requires fostering a culture of compassion and open dialogue about mental health.

The Unseen Wounds: Understanding Vicarious Trauma in First Responders and Journalists
Exploring the silent toll on first responders and Journalists—vicarious trauma. Their heroic roles expose them to the raw realities of tragedy, impacting mental health profoundly. Unveiling the overlooked challenges they face for the greater good.

Mental Health 101: Understanding the Basics
Embark on Mental Health 101: demystifying well-being basics. Explore the spectrum from thriving to struggling, emphasizing the dynamic nature of mental health. Vital insights for a balanced life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What mental health services does Flourishing Minds Clinic provide?
Is there an ideal client?
What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?
What should I do if I am in a crisis and need urgent attention?
Our opening hours are from Sunday to Thursday and Saturdays, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. If you feel you are in crisis between these hours, you may contact our Clinic Coordinator to get an advisement from your treating specialist. If you have an urgent need after hours that can’t wait until the next business day, please go to your nearest healthcare provider for evaluation and advisement.
How do I make an appointment and is a referral required?
How do I choose a therapist?
It is quite hard to pin down what makes up a competent therapist; the latest studies suggest a few areas to consider when assessing if specific therapist is a good fit and a skilled specialist.
Listed hereafter is a few aspects to keep in mind:
- good active listening and communication skills in general,
- proficiency in rapport building, skillfulness in exploration and normalisation of difficult feelings,
- capacity to show empathy,
- genuine care and warmth,
- excellence in assessment and holistic approach,
- competency in collaborative goal setting,
- proficiency in problem formulation,
- solution generation, and
- intervention delivery.
In a multicultural setting, it is also good to keep in mind that your therapist abides by relevant local regulations and that they are offering culturally sensitive services.
How and where will therapy take place?
What days and times is Flourishing Minds Clinic open?
Do you offer your services online?
What happens in a therapy session?
How will I feel after a therapy session?
Most people who participate in psychotherapy experience some benefits as it improves emotional and behavioural functioning and positively affects the brain and body. Actively involved in your sessions will benefit you and help you reframe your thoughts, feelings and/or behaviour. It is quite normal to experience discomfort or strong feelings of sadness, anger, fear, worry etc., while remembering or talking about unpleasant events, thoughts and related feelings. You can discuss your feelings with your treatment specialist in such cases.
How is my confidentiality protected?
Information shared with us, within sessions, and in the written record of your file are confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone without your written permission unless:
- it is required by law and/or is allowed by court order,
- the disclosure is required due to an emergency or there is a concern with regard to your personal safety or that of others.
In either case, the clinician will inform you if he/she has to put the above exceptions into effect.
When and how will I be charged for sessions?
What happens when I want to cancel a scheduled session?
How much does therapy cost?
What options do I have if I cannot afford therapy at full cost?
We believe in accessible mental health care for all and offer sliding-scale therapy and other therapeutic alternatives to support you. We would be happy to discuss this on a case-to-case basis.
- What is sliding scale therapy?
Sliding-scale therapy is a flexible fee structure that provides an option to make therapy more affordable for people with a limited income. Sliding rates are based on factors such as: income, number of dependents, and other factors such as disability, chronic illness, or temporary unemployment. This would be for a limited number of sessions and is subject to management approval. - What other alternatives are available?
Group therapy and support groups may be an option.- Group therapy is a therapeutic approach that brings together individuals dealing with similar challenges/conditions. Each session is facilitated by our licensed psychologists, counselors, or therapists with experience in relevant fields who would lead, plan schedules and organize the group activities. There may be a waiting period as we would need to form a group based on individuals who are suitable and willing to engage in group therapy.
- Support groups brings together individuals who are experiencing or have experienced similar challenges. These groups may not always be led by a licensed clinician as the objective is to gain support, find ways to cope, and have a shared experience. There may be a waiting period as we would need to form a support group based on similar experiences/themes.
Do you accept insurance as payment?
Does insurance cover psychological testing?
Insurance coverage for psychological testing/evaluations varies depending on individual insurance plans. In many cases, the extent of coverage for testing is determined by the patient’s diagnosis, as it dictates the medical necessity of the procedures. Our evaluations are typically conducted to determine or rule out a diagnosis, which means that diagnostic information is not available until the evaluation is complete. Insurance companies often require a copy of the psychological report to confirm the medical necessity of the testing.
Please note that insurance companies generally do not cover testing that is primarily educational in nature, such as testing to rule out a learning disorder or identify giftedness. These types of evaluations are not considered medically necessary by insurance providers. Additionally, insurance companies policies around coverage for testing related to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) varies.
Our clinic payment policy for testing is that payment is due at the time of testing. If you have insurance and would like to seek reimbursement for some of the testing expenses, we can provide a detailed invoice once the testing is completed and payment has been made. We do not directly submit insurance claims for testing; it is the responsibility of the insured individual to do so. We recommend contacting your insurance company directly to understand your benefits and the procedures for submitting claims related to evaluations. This includes any required authorizations prior to testing. If necessary, we can assist in completing any clinical forms required by the insurance company, such as treatment plans or prior authorization forms. However, it is the insured individual’s responsibility to inform us of any specific requirements outlined in their insurance policy.
Get In Touch
We are here to help.
Whether you have questions about our services, want to share your feedback or a success story, have a media inquiry or are seeking more information on a training or job opportunity, contact us today for assistance and support.